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Kevin G. Saunders
Master Portrait Artist

KGS Masterpiece Portraits is a spinoff of Kevin G Saunders' main studio, KGS Studios. We are scaling this studio to be able to serve more people than Kevin will be able to help alone. Below is information about Kevin and his work and philosophy.


Successful people create successful legacies. The reality is, you’re better at building your legacy than you are at documenting it. My extensive career as a master portrait artist has created the unique skill set required to capture your legacy in a way no other artist can recreate. 


I've studied human behavior for decades and find that this has given me a unique perspective when creating fine art portraits. The mechanics of capturing an image are relatively easy if you know what you’re doing. But capturing the soul of a subject is more challenging. I take the raw images from your session and build your persona into a likeness of your choosing that will represent you for generations. 


You won’t step into a barrage of flashing lights and hundreds of photographic exposures when you enter my studio. You and your family will appreciate my far more intimate process. I get to know you, your angles, and your emotions so I can capture you. Once I get you in front of my camera, I design and recreate the same lighting scheme as the masters used a century ago, using today’s technology.


I use a view camera similar to the old wooden cameras used 150 years ago. However, I’ve updated the design with state-of-the-art lenses and a one-hundred-and-fifty megapixel sensor instead of traditional film. This level of digitization is the same technology used by NASA satellites to capture breathtaking terrain features from thousands of feet above the earth, and it allows me to get you into—and then out of—my studio as quickly as possible. Once I’ve got the images I need, the real work begins! I do all the artistry on my own time so you can spend your time as you choose.


The fine-art wall portrait is a powerful medium to share a lifetime of achievement with someone visually. Unlike the digital medium, the subject's emotions come through loud and clear elegantly. Let me find the best way to define your story for the generation that comes after you.

Kevin has been featured in media below in his fascinating careers.

Forbes Article on Kevin G Saunders
San Antonio Woman Logo
Article on Kevin G Saunders' Notable People of San Antonio in 2020 Project
Article on Kevin G Saunders' Fine Art Orchid Project
Article on Most Expensive Bikes in the World. Kevin G Saunders' Custom Bicycles are featured
Mamiya Leaf feature on Kevin G Saunders' hyper realism photographic art.
Article on Top 10 Most Expensive Bike Brands, featuring Kevin G Saunders
Forum on bicycle positioning mentioning Kevin G Saunders
Article on Kevin G Saunders' Notable People of San Antonio in 2020 during DreamWeek
Article mentioning Cooper Aerobics Center and KGS Custom Bicycles' partnership for bicycle positioning by Kevin G Saunders
Article on some of the most expensive bicycles in the world over the years, featuring Kevin G Saunders
Bicycling Magazine article on 30 Most Expensive Bicycles mentioning Kevin G Saunders
The Street Article on Most Expensive Bicycles featuring Kevin G Saunders
Opera News article on DreamWeek exhibit of Kevin G Saunders' Notable People of San Antonio in 2020
Article on custom mountain bike designed by Kevin G Saunders
Sydney Morning Herald picks up Forbes Magazine article on Worlds Most Expensive Bikes featuring Kevin G Saunders
Article on Most Expensive Bicycles in the World featuring Kevin G Saunders
Bicycling Magazine Dream Bike of the Year, Parlee Z3SL, built by Kevin G Saunders for the Bicycling Magazine Article.
Bicycling Magazine article featuring Kevin G Saunders and the Parlee bicycle he built for the magazine article.
Amtrak Express Magazine article featuring Kevin G Saunders and his Finn Olympic Class Sailboat Racing Campaign. Kevin eventually became ranked 11th in the nation.
Leaders Magazine article on Kevin G Saunders forward thinking approach to air ambulances
USA Today article featuring Kevin G Saunders and his custom bicycles
Photographer Spotlight: Kevin G Saunders and his Big Building photography feature
Article in Fixed Gear Fever by Kevin G Saunders on fixed gear bicycles

© 2007-2020  KGS Studios and KGS Masterpiece Portraits.  All Rights Reserved

KGS Studios / KGS Masterpiece Portraits

107 Blue Star
San Antonio TX 78204​​


Google Maps Link:

Tel: 888-814-0485 scheduling
210-849-2501 Kevin's Direct Line 

​ (Main Site)

We're open by appointment only,

seven days a week.

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The end result of our portrait session is absolutely phenomenal and unduplicatable! Incredible results. His ability to bring out the inner dignity reflected through the eyes and the posture created a wonderful portrait of my family. I am very thankful for the session.

- Kevin C.

© 2007-2022 KGS Studios and KGS Masterpiece Portraits. All Rights Reserved
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